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How to Open a Practice

Temple Dental Practice Management Club sponsored Dr. Mark Elice. He hosted a meeting on Tuesday, September 24th in Lecture Room A about how to open a practice and how to manage a practice.

Dr. Elice spoke about he spoiled his staff. He constantly mentioned that not only he offered the highest salaries in his area, but he also spoke about how he would go on shopping trips with them, buy lunch and dinner, threw big office parties, and of course paid for it all out his own pocket. He spoke at length about how this kept his staff working hard but how it also attracted new talented individuals to his practice since they knew they’d be treated well. He also lectured about becoming a pillar of the community. Whether it’s volunteering to coach his daughter\’s soccer team or doing simple community service he made sure that people knew him as an honest, trustworthy man.

My eventual goal is to open and manage my own practice, so every piece of information and advice is valuable. Especially when coming from Dr. Elice, who has done it all. I\’ve had several interactions with him, both in clinic and preclinic, and I have an immense amount of respect for him due to this.

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