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Lunch and Learn “What you need to know coming out of dental school” with Dr. Kiggins

  1. Lunch and Learn “What you need to know coming out of dental school” with Dr. Kiggins
  2. Timmons Hall; September 16 2024 12:00-1:00 pm
  3. I have learned that practice ownership while offering certain advantages, flexibility and more financial freedom, comes with lots of responsibility and work. Learned about importance of CE courses, especially hands on. It is never too early to start taking CE courses. Investing in yourself and in your education after school will pay back. Besides mentors, it is beneficial to look into having advisors, CPA, know about all kinds of insurances such as disability insurance etc. Dr. Kiggins emphasized on importance of 4 handed dentistry. Learning how to work with assistants is beneficial since it can make dentist’s job more efficient and fast, as well as help to deliver exceptional patient care.
  4. Transitioning from in school clinic to associate at dental practice to then a business owner comes with responsibility and adjustment. With having proper mentors and advisors  a dentist can work more efficiently, have higher case acceptance and be able to know how to apply fundamentals learned at school.
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