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Bridging the Gap Between School and Rel-World Dentistry

The Dental Practice Management Club hosted a presentation by Dr. Loren Genetti on April 24th, 2024 in lecture hall B. Dr. Genetti’s presentation was on bridging the gap between school and real-world dentistry. I gained tips on networking with other dentists in the community, personal finances, clinical tips, and practice management. One key takeaway for me was to have morning and afternoon huddles in my future clinic to discuss the day with the team so that everyone is on the same page. Another takeaway was to have a good days document where I record professional wins and positive patient comments to look back at on tougher days. In addition, I learned about ways to network in the community by visiting local dental offices and joining clubs to build a local dental network. I found this presentation helpful as it showed me a glimpse of life after dental school and provided me with tips that I can apply to my future career.


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