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Aesthetics Society Forensic Odontology

  1. Name of sponsoring organization: Aesthetics Society
  2. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when): Zoom meeting Monday November 13th at 6pm
  3. What you learned: The role of a forensic dentist. Dr. Lipton discussed how he works with the FBI etc to identify bodies via dental records.
  4. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals: I had no idea how important dental records were in natural disasters or criminal cases etc, so I learned a lot from Dr. Lipton. He also discussed how dental records were not only important for identification of bodies, but also for living patients as well. He helped to solve a child abuse case using dental records and basic dental knowledge to see if a child’s tongue bite was naturally occurring, or if it was due to abuse of holding the child’s mouth shut. It was determined as abuse. So now I also know how important it is to note all details when caring for patients in cases of abuse, etc.
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