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Lunch and Learn with Dr. Shafi and Dr. Leshkiv

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I am a part of the Perio Club and they offered the opportunity to attend a lecture given by Dr. Shane Shafi and Dr. Andriy Leshkiv, two current residents in Temple’s Graduate Program in Periodontology, about perio case presentations. This Lunch and Learn was hosted on November 16th, 2023 in Lecture room B. During this presentation, we were shown several different procedures that these residents have completed on patients, as well as other major surgeries that periodontists generally do. I learned about different types of sutures and procedures done by periodontists, giving me great insight into their daily work so I can better understand what it means to be a resident in periodontics and beyond, which I am interested in. Other students and I asked questions to the residents to better understand the presented cases and their lives as residents.

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