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Lunch and Learn: Beyond Dentistry Dr. Rachel Lewin

Alpha Omega hosted Dr. Rachel Lewin to speak about her career and her path to opening up her own practice in the suburbs of Philadelphia. This lunch and learn lecture took place on January 15, 2025 in Timmons Hall. Dr. Lewin mapped out for us her route to getting a job after dental school and how it is not always easy and not to get discouraged. She emphasized how important it is to find the right fit for yourself when applying and interviewing for jobs and trying to know exactly what type of job environment your are getting into. She explained how important it is to take a step back and collect yourself and reassess situations in times of stress. She was very real and honest about her experience which was very admirable. This relates to my coursework because there is no need to rush when it comes to completing assignments, studying, etc. It is more important to learn about the techniques and appreciate the art that goes into your work which really sets you apart from others. Listening to Dr. Lewin speak was truly a pleasure.


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