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Expanding Your Practice: Do’s and Dont’s – Dr. Mitchell Zientz

On Janurary 22, the Dental Practice Management Club alongside the Temple Aesthetics Club hosted Dr. Mitchell Zientz to discuss his career so far and running your own practice and knowing when is the right time to expand. This was a very eye opening seminar in which Dr. Zientz was very honest with us about the struggles he has dealt with when expanding to up to 4 practices throughout New York City. I appreciated how he focused on the business management aspect of dentistry because this is something I feel I need more exposure to. He discussed topics such as P&L (profit and loss), overhead, and saving. Even though everyones story is different, hearing his story firsthand was very informative. I will utilize what I learned and continue learning more about the financial and business aspect to dentistry which will help contribute to success in my career.

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