Community Platform
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This Year
135 Points
320 Points
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Class of 2027 Social Chair

I was selected to serve as the TUKSOD Class of 2027’s social chair for our D2 year. In this position, I will be responsible for coordinating class events with the class officers, as well as working with the Class Treasurer to coordinate class fundraising efforts and the Office of Student Affairs and Diversity. What I am most excited for in this role is the opportunity to organize events for my classmates that will not only provide a much needed break from our rigorous academic schedules, but also strengthen the bonds within our class. This will include organizing social mixers with other classes, attending local Philadelphia sporting events, coordinating wellness activities like yoga and workout classes, and planning holiday-themed events. My goal is to create opportunities for us to connect, share experiences, and support each other in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.

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