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Post-Bacc Pannel: ASDA

Participated on the ASDA post-bacc pannel (September 2024), which aimed to gather a variety of students to chat with current post-bacc students who are planning on apply this cycle. I chatted with post-baccs about advice on applying (timeline, interview, how to choose schools). I especially connected with other Canadian students applying, as I got to go more in depth about additional steps I took, my experience moving to a new country and any lessons I learned on the way. I learned how rewarding and interesting it is to reflect back on my journey and how important it is to pay it forward. Many students in upper years had helped me in my journey to get into Dental School and now I get to do the same in this panel, and I’m sure that these students will give back in their own way later. This activity helps me in my career goal, as I wish to continue the “pay-it-forward” quality that seems abundant in dentistry. Additionally, reflecting back on my journey, as I chat with the prospective students about applications, allows me to stay grounded and remember my goals and aspirations I have for this field.

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