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  • Implant Dentistry
This Year
50 Points
475 Points
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TUKSoD Program Mentor

I am currently mentoring four D1 students during the Fall 2024 semester, which started with the 13th Annual Ice Cream Social on September 6th. I sent out emails to introduce myself and provided my contact information, encouraging them to reach out whenever they need support. I stay in touch with them regularly to provide guidance and mentorship throughout the semester. Through this experience, I’ve learned the importance of communication and active listening, as each student has unique needs and concerns. This mentorship has also deepened my understanding of leadership and how to foster a supportive environment, which is valuable in both academic settings and my future career in healthcare. The experience has been closely related to my coursework in that it enhances my interpersonal skills and strengthens my ability to manage multiple responsibilities, both of which are essential in the field of dentistry.

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