Community Platform
  • Community Outreach
  • Dental Public Health
  • Dental Public Policy and Advocacy
  • Digital Dentistry
This Year
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275 Points
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AAPHD Club Officer

  1. AAPHD Vice President
  2. Academic Year 2024-2025
  3. AAPHD Club
  4. AAPHD club collaborates with other [student-run and/or external] organizations on outreach and advocacy- related initiatives to promote an interdisciplinary understanding of public health. It connect members with community- driven volunteer opportunities to expand their exposure to different communities within the Philadelphia region, and it provides a platform for students to explore dental advocacy and the different approaches one can make to contribute to it.
  5. Being vice president of this club will help push me to broaden my understanding of dentistry through the eyes of different communities and patients. I believe that this is fundamental to bettering myself as a future healthcare provider.
  6. AAPHD club aligns with my career as it focuses on the patient care aspect of dentistry. As dentists it is important to understand the socioeconomic implications of dental care and how that impacts our ability to provide to patients.
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