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Lunch & Learn: Dr. Burke, Oral Surgeon of the Philadelphia Flyers

Through the organization Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity, I had the opportunity to attend a lecture given by Dr. Jonathan Burke who is the Oral Surgeon for the Philadelphia Flyers. The lecture was held on November 3rd, 2023 in Lecture room A. Dr. Burke informed us about his path and how he came to become an Oral Surgeon, including all of the applications and exams it took him to get to where he is now today. He also spoke about what being an oral surgery resident entails. Dr. Burke then shared with us some cases that he had worked on. Seeing these insane cases made me realize that oral surgery is more than just your everyday wisdom tooth removal and that entire facial reconstructions are completed. This Lunch and Learn contributes to my classes and my career goals because it helped to widen my knowledge about a specialty that I didn’t really know too much about!

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