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D1 Mentoring

On Friday September 6th, 2024, I participated in D1 mentoring at the ice cream social during lunch. I was combined with four D3’s as well as three other D2’s in order to be the mentors for four D1’s. During the lunch we gave the D1’s our best advice of how to manage their time while making this jump into dental school. We were there to answer any questions that they had during the ice cream social along with anything that they may need in the future. I gave all four of my mentees my cell phone number in order for them to easily contact me with anyting that they need in the future. I made sure the emphasize that they can contact me about anything at all (school and non-school related) and I would be there for them. From this experience I learned how to be and mentor and how to be there for students in need of someone to guide and help them. This relates to my career goals because as a dentis I want to be able to be there for people in need of my help which is similar to what I experienced as a mentor.

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