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Lunch & Learn: “How to Buy a Dental Practice” with Dr. Loren Genetti

The Dental Practice Management Club offered students the opportunity to listen to Dr. Loren Genetti speak about her journey navigating through dental school and how she went off to buy a practice. This lunch and learn was held on November 15th in Lecture Hall A in the dental school. Dr. Loren Genetti was very motivating because she put herself back in the position that we are in now. She discussed the difficult times in dental school and during her job search, but explained how it was all worth it in the end. She really set a positive mindset for how I would like to shape these next few years in school. Buying a practice relates to my career goals as it is something I am interested in doing. Dr. Loren Genetti shared many resources for us to succeed and was willing to answer any questions. I was truly inspired after her presentation!

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